Welcome to the W4RNG Official Website!

We are now AKA First Coast Amateur Radio!

Jacksonville Range Association Inc. is a Amateur Radio Organization that OWNS and operates seven (7) local Amateur HAM radio repeaters in the Jacksonville Florida area under the license of W4RNG. Jacksonville Range Association Inc. is a State of Florida not-for-profit and tax exempt 501(c)(3) organixation. Any licensed HAM or radio club, are welcome to use our repeaters without being a members of W4RNG. We wish that you will join and suppot the club. These seven (7) repeaters are maintained by our club members which are primarily Amateur HAM Radio Operators. Our monthly meetings are the first Tuesday of each month at 7 PM. We meet in person at Hogan Baptist Church. 8045 Hogan Road, Jacksonville FL 32216. If you can't come to a meeting then try our Zoom meeting here:

CLICK HERE to Join a Zoom Meeting

The monthly Zoom meetings are open to anyone. You do not have to be a member of the club to join a meeting. You do have to be a club member to have voting rights.


Our club's Zoom meeting ID is:850 8234 7784

Our meeting Passcode is: X8azfy

We hope to see you at our next meeting.

We now have a Forum that you can join and use here First Coast Amateur Radio (FCAR)

Join W4RNG mailing list.

We do not send out spam, nor will we sell share your contact information. We will only send you information about upcoming club events and the club's Squelch Tail Newsletter when it comes out. You will always have the option to be removed from this mailing list if you decide you no longer want our notices.

CLICK HERE to be added to our mailing list.
